We were learning about what's real and what's fake
I found it easy to post it to my blog.
I found it challenging to think of what my background should bee
Next time I will not talk to my friends.
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We were learning about what's real and what's fake
I found it easy to post it to my blog.
I found it challenging to think of what my background should bee
Next time I will not talk to my friends.
I am learning about recounts
I found it easy to post it to my blog
I found it hard to thing want to whit
Next time I will not tallk
I am learning about recounts
I found it easy to whit it
I found it hard to post it to my blog
Next time I will not talk to my friends
I am learning about our native birds
I found it easy to use polyline
I found it hard to post it to my blog
Next time I will not talk to my friends
We were learning about NZ native birds.
I found it easy to draw my kiwi with polyline.
I found it challenging to publish it on my blog.
Next time I will get it done when it needs to be done.